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⭐ GitHub Star / 🏊‍♂️🚴‍♂️🏃‍♂️ IRONMAN as a hobby / 🍁🍄🌱 plant-based (noob vegan)

\> old posts are automatically deleted, social interaction is made of good moments, in a bar conversation we don't absorb everything and many histories are lost - why should digital social interaction be any different?

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Comments 5
Winamp is going open source
  • @Zaktor @mexicancartel i think i'm the idiot for wasting my time commenting in this thread

  • Winamp is going open source
  • @Zaktor @mexicancartel i find it hard to even comment on the amount of idiotic things written here

    i agree that there are a lot of pointless "free vs open source" discussions, but to say that open source and/or free software hasn't been/hasn't been successful is to have misunderstood what "success" would be in projects of this kind.

  • [i3] Nico Yazawa Pink Theme
  • @Notsunya do you know the Rio terminal? you'll probably like it

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @H3wastooshort no doubt the issue is not privacy but open communication with a group of people
    if the issue is privacy, discord is not the right tool

  • *Permanently Deleted*