I don't know what the governance setup is like, but in theory the owners of the project can change the license to whatever they like at any time.
The catch is that this doesn't affect old versions, which remain available under the old license. So they could make WP closed-source or make the license more restrictive, but WP-engine or any portion of the community could make a fork and maintain the open source version from there. It wouldn't have the features added by the mainline WP project since the license change (and they'd likely have to change the branding), but that's about all that would be lost.
Similar things have happened in the past: see OpenOffice becoming LibreOffice for example.
I've never understood these 1-page RPGs that just involve rolling a die to determine an event from a list that modifies scores, over and over. Where's the roleplaying? Where's the agency? I love a good short RPG but this just feels like a number generator with no story attached.
You could achieve something similar by using VR to embed 4D environments in 3D space - I'd be very surprised if something like this hasn't already been tried tbh
On machines where I have to use windows I run start10 to replace the start menu with something a little more bearable. I imagine there's a FOSS equivalent but I bought a license years and years ago so I've never bothered to search.