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Spirit in Struggle (poem)

cross-posted from:

> Hands of dirt; bruised and bloodied// > The hands of the masses rise// > The hands of the masses are raised with absolute defiance// > The hands of the masses rise// > The hands of the masses are raised with absolute power// > The hands of the masses rise, they rise higher// > The hands of the masses shape history// > The hands of the masses become fists of freedom!// > Rise! Rise! Rise!// > Rise for liberation! Rise for humanity! Rise for peace!// > Rise! Rise! Rise!// > > The song of Africa creates waves!// > The song of Africa crumbles the monuments of old!// > The song of Africa conquers the mountains!// > The song of Africa cannot be made still!// > > We are all one, united by destiny// > The divisions of today shall dissolve// > The imperialists will face the tyranny// > The capitalists will face the tyranny// > The tyranny of justice comes to thee// > Liberation and freedom awaits us all// > And a red star is rising// > Sounding the call!// > The call of the chained guardians// > The call of the chained children// > The call of the poor// > The call of the hungry// > The call of the forgotten// > And a red star is rising// > Uniting us all!// > > May the countless others who gave their lives soon cry together// > Arm in arm// > As the red berets forge the path// > As the red berets bolster our hearts// > Let the land be reclaimed// > Let justice be seen// > Let the prosperity be abundant// > Let democracy be true// > Let the people be joyous// > Let life be cherished// > Let Africa be// > The love of the people will claim victory// > > This is the century of the oppressed!// > This is the century in which we will achieve freedom!// > > Workers of the world unite!// > A red star rises!// > Rise! Rise! Rise!// > Raise your fists! Raise your spirits!// > The struggle continues and cannot end!// > Workers of the world unite!// > > -by me, August Gardens

*Permanently Deleted*
  • There's been a trend of isolationism in the far right's values, idk exactly why though

  • What thing(s) are you currently enjoying?

    Thanks to the new Zelda game, I am getting back into loving video games and making time for them. I'm playing Ocarina of Time atm :)

    Also, I've been reading The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky. So far, really nice, but not anywhere close to the end yet. Same goes for Moby Dick by Herman Melville (the racism gets unbearable though). And then, I've been starting my journey with Nietzsche, I chose Ecce Homo to begin with.

    Lastly, some music! The new Lana del Rey and Danny Brown x Jpegmafia albums have been on repeat. Been getting into the group "Lamp" as well. Bad Bunny released a song a few days ago and I've been absolutely addicted to it too.

    Hope my beautiful comrades have been well, love you all! Remember to take care of yourselves and your circle.


    EFF HAS REACHED 1 MILLION MEMBERS🇿🇦☭ EFF celebrates reaching '1-million members' goal

    EFF leader Julius Malema announced on Monday the party has 1,085,843 paid-up members.

    EFF celebrates reaching '1-million members' goal

    Here is their latest press conference

    China's Xi Jinping lectures Justin Trudeau over alleged leaks | CNN
  • I saw someone say it was some discussion about Huawei but I'm unsure

  • Jeffrey sachs - The US has been the most violent country in the world since 1950.
  • The right wingers are doing infighting, they can't stop copying us

  • Chinese Leaders

    When we speak of Chinese leaders, why do we only mention Mao, Deng, and Xi?


    Socialism gives me so much hope

    When you look at the state the USSR or China was in pre-revolution, it's truly astonishing what they accomplished. No matter how terrible things get, socialism will always shine. The DPRK always gives me hope. They've been through so much shit and continue to go through a lot, but they manage to stay strong and progress at their own pace.

    We're on the side of the oppressed. We're on the side of humanity's success.

    Edit: when someone calls you utopian or insane, just remember "if they could do it, we can do it."



    Ok guys I have read one page of Hegel and I already want to rip my eyes out of their sockets. How can I read Hegel in a way that is easier? Is there a method I can apply while reading? I refuse to die without understanding this fucker.

    This was posted on a pro-Ukraine sub and got 350 upvotes...
  • This is by far the worst creation I've seen on the internet

  • "Cyberpunk Soviet Moscow 2050" (AI Generated)
  • Marx after receiving a letter from Engels

  • Shiiiii they got my homie fr 😤