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Adam Pascoe

He/Him/His, NE England, Sysadmin ☎🧰🎵🐳🌊 #BiFlagEmoji

I enjoy music, games, TV and film. Fascinated with tech, nature and space.

Header by SailorTrekkie92 on DeviantArt

Posts 1
Comments 1

( can't describe how hyped I am that LJDawson is working on ( (

@syncforlemmy can't describe how hyped I am that LJDawson is working on #SyncForLemmy #Lemmy #FuckUSpez

Famous Minecraft YouTuber Mumbo Jumbo plays FOSS Minecraft-like; Actually super enjoys it.
  • @dog @AdaghastTheMad If you're open to watching Minecraft content you can't really go wrong with any of the people on Hermitcraft. They're all mostly chill and spend 90% of their videos in first person just playing the game. Grian and Mumbo, being the two biggest creators on Hermitcraft tend to have a bit more of what you dislike but you could try Xisuma, JoeHills, DocM77, ImpulseSV, TangoTek or PearlescentMoon to name a few.