Lmao gotcha, I get your drift 😊 thanks for the help!
Can you expand on this? I'd like to hear both sides of the argument :)
Yeah I remember that happening a couple times as well, and thought it was probably nothing until I started to get some weird behaviors, it bothers me I couldn't check all the Trojan and that apparently I can't install malwarebytes and that WD isn't doing an offline scan, it just reboots the pc immediately
I keep getting very conflicting info from my pc: some logins are gone but not all of them, the pc and firefox acted up with unpredictable minor glitches for the rest of the evening but then they cleared, so I just have no idea what to even begin thinking.
Thanks for the link! I haven't heard of it before, what makes you recommend it?
Thank you, I'll try this as well!
I will look into this, it's really not worth taking the chance...it's all well and good until it isn't lol
Thank you for your reply! I will try the offline scan, it's a good idea! Yeah I'm definitely not gonna mess round on my native environment anymore, it's not worth the hassle really
Help me figure out if i downloaded something shady, please
Hi everyone, i'd like to start off by saying that i've been pirating for a while and have always stuck to sites that are reccommended on various megathreads and considered safe. Sorry for the long winded explaination.
So i was downloading a game from gamdie (which i have before with no issue) and one from steamrip (i don't remember any issues there) and the gamdie file was almost immediately flagged by WD as trojan. i didn't even make it in time to click anything that all these other trojans started popping up and WD closed on its own. i panicked and deleted the files and tried to run malwarebytes which i thought was installed already (but apparently not) and it turns out i can't even install it, it says the app can't run and to check different versions. I checked on taskmanager and it seems nothing immediately fishy was there, WD gave me back a list of the trojans it found and i deleted them, firefox has acted weird a couple times (duplicating tab instead of opening new one, or opening settings instead), and some of my login info is gone from my browser. i still can't install malwarebytes, and i'm kinda not handling this well, so any help is appreciated.
i couldn't read what all the trojans are and WD won't tell me what they are now, but i remember having seen trojan wacaca (or somehing) and trojan malmar (or something like that). Thank you!
Edit: thank you to everyone that replied, between your advice and the sources I found here (linked below) I apparently found a cryptominer and it seems my system should be clean now. I'll run some extra stuff to be sure and hopefully that will be that. Have a nice day!
Alright i give up, need help with windows defender
Hi everyone,
So i've been downloading (rsload) from the megathread, and windows defender won't cooperate. I'm basically 99.9% sure there is in fact nothing harmful, but defender detects a virus and refuses to let me set it as an exception. Even if i try it literally refuses to let me and i haven't been able to install anything (software, patches, nada). Anyone know a work around?