arviceblot @
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Comments 4
I'm enjoying Plasma 6 arviceblot 10 1
compiz and emerald, wow I was not expecting to unlock that memory tonight!
Mod support for linux arviceblot 2 0
Have you tried running cyberpunk and vortex through bottles? I’ve had some success with it where some games just fail with lutris.
Are there any NewPipe alternatives for iOS? arviceblot 2 0
Have you considered hosting your own private invidious instance? Should be a lot more reliable and stable than a random public instance.
What music genre or artist changed your life? arviceblot 3 0
I wasn’t really in to music until a friend introduced me to Dragonforce. Little did I know that would be my gateway band to all sorts of metal genres. Depending on the mood I now mostly listen to atmo black, folk, prog, melo death, and of course power still holds a special place.