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I delete my longer comments on old threads, sorry

She and it please

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Comments 6
Happy #GlobalSwitchDay
  • May I recommend NewPipe on android? It's a proxy for YouTube/Bandcamp/Plus a bunch of other stuff including Peertube. As a creator, Peertube is nice, but yea, using it as a full time video watching platform just isn't viable rn unfortunately.

  • Seal in Polish
  • Presumably using full English grammar and such it would be: "Matka foka" for mother seal. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say thats probably not how its translated properly fully in polish. But I was really hoping mother would be mama in polish so it could be mama fucker!

  • Sorry to intrude. There's no BSD memes community.
  • Facial Feminization Surgery

  • Aged like milk
  • You're right I think. Probably should've checked that. My bad

  • Bernie Sanders response...
  • Aged like milk
  • Greatest fear
  • Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution?
  • Not only that, but they seriously freak me (and like a bunch of animals) out. Not to mention everytime they go off, even on 'murica day, someone thinks it's a gun. At least where Ive lived.