Im Italian and I really dont see the problem with pinapple on pizza. Its actually kinda good
"If mining is assured to result in minerals then you must mine- Karl Stone said that, and i think he knows a little more about mining than you do greenbeard because he INVENTED it, and then he PERFECTED it so that no living dwarf can best him in the grayness of beard"
Ive played all the classes for about 100hr each. Last class i chose was driller mainly because i dont like the feeling of flamethrowers in games and my friend was already playing as them. Anyway i level up with driller until i unlock the (imo) best primary in the game: Corrosive sludge pump. GODDAM DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO USE. I can charge a shot and the bugs fizzle away like soda. I now have about twice as many hours on driller as other classes, currently on silver 1. Driller is the most fun i had in his game