Yes - I don’t necessarily disagree. Trump is a sleaze bag and would certainly have been a target . And dare I say a fairly soft one.
It’s not ridiculous to imagine him being comprised, but I do prefer what we know ie. He’s a sleaze bag, easily controlled by the psychopaths who recognised him as the man they could a) get into power b) control with the ease that people are attributing to Putin.
Those psychopaths being Mercer, Mellon, Thiel, Musk, and even the Kochs I think.
And I don’t think those guys would do what they have done with Trump , if he was a Russia asset.
Indeed they can, but that wouldn’t be giving much credit to Mercer, Thiel, Musk, Adelson, Mellon , the Rockbridge network, Ellison etc .
I don’t think they would have backed a man controlled by Russia . I think they would have done due diligence. I credit them with the sense to do that.
Forgive me, is your position that Trump is a Russian asset, or not ?
Again, I would only point towards what is known, and what is speculated .
Well, fanboy yes ! But that’s very different from being under control.
It is known that Trump is not an ideologue . He just likes money and power, which Putin has achieved in spades .
Interesting to read, but on the balance of probability, I think it’s unlikely. Of course, anything is possible and, it’s plausible that global elite conspire for profit - but I just think it’s a too convenient blame all this bad stuff on the president of America being a Russian asset, because it’s easy to face than the idea than America is a has always been a bully on the world stage - and Trump, lacking skill and diplomacy - is merely letting us see behind the curtain.
But why would they pick, support and elect their man, only to lose him to Russian kompromat? It’s just so implausible, to me at least.
In the current situation, America has given Russia a financial and military black eye, without a single dead US serviceman, with Europe paying half the bill, and they are now set to walk away with Ukraines mineral treasure, for the bargain price of giving Putin a couple of hundred miles of Ukrainian territory and agreeing to keep them out of NATO ?
How is that a good deal for anyone But America ?
Please help me understand, Why is it easier for you to prefer some story about Trump being controlled by Russia and ignore the evidence othat Trump is cunt in his own right, and he’s backed bunch of American billionaires, who are also cunts, which is all well documented ?
It’s driving me crazy . I don’t understand.
Why is it easier for you to believe some story about Trump being controlled by Russia, than to trust the evidence of your own eyes and ears, that Trump is cunt in his own right, and he’s backed bunch American billionaires, who are also cunts ?
Mozilla is funded by google to promote the search . But how much longer are they gonna pay if no one uses it ?
It is concerning - because Firefox barely has enough users to sustain it.
If no one takes on the development of Gecko, we’re in the soup. It’s the only alternative to blink and WebKit. Tor relies on it .
Project Manager here, and where I’m from it’s common knowledge that 9 women can have a baby in a month .
Exciting times .
Because it would expose theme as being ill informed.
Been saying it for a couple of weeks. Also best way to hold Putin to account. I think he goes home if UKraine agrees no NATO.
And he a comedian, working in his second language .
All to play for . Join EU. Agree no NATO Putin fucks off.
America frozen.
Not sure how the US would react. Probably war.
Can’t live with em, can’t live without them.
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