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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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What's the trick to Menopause?
  • Estroven, evening primrose, vitamin d and calcium. That's what's gotten my mom thru it. All OTC stuff and my obgyn recommends them too

    I would suggest suggesting them for help for hot flashes. I wouldn't bring up mood swings unless she does. Hope that helps

  • Do you make your own clothing?
  • I love to sew my own clothes and have helped various friends with uncatered body types (super short like me, tall, or just someone with measurements not in line with the current beauty standards), or going through significant body shifts (transition, pregnancy, weight flux, etc), and I highly recommend historical patterns for their adjustability if your body is still fluxing a lot!

    Here are my favorite adjustable patterns:

    Adjustable skirt with huge pockets: Adjustable pants with pockets: Adjustable split side dress:

    And then my favorite place for patterns in general: All of the patterns are free and the instructions are wonderful:

    I've not personally tried making a bra yet, but corsets actually function as a bra and are adjustable and super comfy if you make them yourself:

    Bra and corset maker: Just explore this channel it's a treasure trove! I can't wait to make my own bra!

    Underwear things:

    Pants are my favorite, and they're way easier than they seem!

    Good luck and enjoy your sewing journey!!! It's not a science, just play and don't be afraid of screwing up!

    Start with pillows, learn how to do curved and straight lines. Highly recommend using thrifted material as it's more affordable and you feel less bad if you mess up. Also buy a used machine as new ones are GARBAGE

    Also this is my favorite sewing channel because she made me realize someone as chaotic as me can do it too:

    Have fun ✨✨

    Edit: don't forget to press your seams with an iron for a more professional look and I highly recommend French seams if you don't have a serger, just add half an inch to each pattern if it doesn't already ask for that.