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agasramirez Agas Ramirez 🎙️

Post-colonial feminist, #Filipino writer, and host of:

🌻 HERstory Southeast Asia #HERstoryseapod

👻 Shake Rattle and Record #SRRpodcast

Southeast Asianist by trade, #Manila girl by heart. #Childfree eldest daughter. #Seamstress in training. Blogs at Island Woman Writes.

\#TootSEA #PlaylistSEA #CinemaSEA #MakanApaToday #SoutheastAsia

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Comments 1
I’m about to play Back 4 Blood, the “spiritual successor” to Left 4 Dead.
  • @atomicpoet @pcgaming I'm a huge L4D franchise fan and I liked back 4 blood. it hits the right spots. usually played as holly or doc.