Devon, UK, Europe.
Born at 341 ppm.
Day job public health adjacent.
Apparently a collection of hastags in a trenchcoat. #Botany #Entomology #Ecology #Permaculture #Sustainability #Composting #NoDig #Hiking #Cycling #RightToRoam #SlowTravel #FlightFree #CarFree #Bushcraft #Foraging #WildFood #PlantBased #AncestralSkills #Cordage #FibreCraft #Knitting #OpenSource #OpenAccess #SolarPunk #coops #unions #RightToRepair

@wav3ydave @largess @ajsadauskas @green I don't think it has to be a personal choice vs collective action dichotomy, we need a three pronged approach: 1) persuade those who can make better choices to make them 2) fight for a more equitable society so everyone has access to less damaging choices 3) make the better choices the easier, cheaper or default

@wav3ydave @largess @ajsadauskas @green The society we live in means some of us have enough money to have choices and some of us don't. Those of us who can make choices should absolutely make the greener ones (I can afford a nutritious vegan diet, have the education to choose to get a job somewhere I can cycle to, didn't have to move to another country for work so don't have to fly when I want to see my family) but not everyone does