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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (ÆN

Old grumpy software architect and engineer. Handfasted, has kids and dogs. Knows about fine arts, music, rock climbing, and politics.

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Comments 7
The Horror
  • My coach at a former employer told me I couldn't be an effective sales person because I think too long before speaking. Of course if I blurt out what I think, it's going to be the truth, and marketers don't like that very much. My clients do, though!

    But yes: I edit every text I write. I hate touch phones.

  • The Horror
  • Exactly. Call me when the house is burning, or you're bleeding out and I'm the only emergency person in the building. Otherwise, text me.

    I have a similar aversion against using email as chat, but for the exact opposite reason.

  • Just a rant
  • I hear you. I've been called a "loner" and "different" my whole life. Sometimes people called me a "rebel" and a "troublemaker". Turns out I'm autistic. Yay me.

    And society at large likes to play by rules made up and enforced by itself. Us autistic people aren't included in those. And thus we wind up trying really hard to play by the rules, only to find out others don't... and they don't face any consequences.

    If the rules exist to keep me in check, but everyone else gets to roam free, it isn't personal responsibility. Instead, it's a failure of society at large to recognize us and accommodate us equally and fairly.

    And... that's why I'm into politics.

  • Turning Web requests into HTML without JavaScript
  • Yep. With all these frameworks that create entire web servers for us, instead of web applications that run on existing servers, it seems we have forgotten that web servers exist and how to create them.