He has that look where he stole someone else's stuffy hah!
Glad to have made your day! Seeing them makes me happy too
Thank you good sir, for your contribution to the community!
Damn, didn't know a silly question could spark such a detailed response chock full of history goodies! Thank you for that.
I'm aware of the existence of different calendars but they are too complex to me since I (and likely most other people) already have the current calendar ingrained in us.
I'd assume the reason why we've settled on the current year-naming system was due to the prevalence (?) of Christianity / Catholicism?
Does this mean that current year is technically 2023 CE and we eventually we just dropped the CE suffix?
Would that mean 5 million years ago it would be 5,000,2023 BC or is there some other format for dates that far back?