Are hotels in the UK not equipped with toasters?
Settings> Advanced > Load Gesture Typing Library
Easy enough to install, but despite using a closed-source lib from Google, it doesn't seem to work nearly as well as GBoard. Feels like I have to go back and correct every other word, and it doesn't seem to choose words contextually or learn from the ones I select.
It gave me the word "Ines" 3 times just now while trying to swipe "ones". Trying to swipe "pretty" gave me Perry, prey, Peru, petty, piety, pottery, and pet before I gave up and typed it manually (or "toured it nakedly".)
Back to GBoard for me I think. Unfortunately, I don't see the benefit of a FOSS keyboard that is forced to use closed-source Google code anyway for an objectively worse experience if you rely on swiping. FlorisBoard says they're working on their own implementation of "glide typing" that sounds promising, so I'll be keeping an eye on that.
Too impatient to wait for the Japanese toilet to blow my freshly-bideted asshole dry, but polite enough to wipe up the questionably poopy water that drips from it when I stand up too soon.
I started putting mine in a binder with clear sleeves, roughly sorted by theme.
I recently bought one of those hundred packs from Amazon for like $6 and picked about 30 to keep. Still indecisive about which ones to use, and most of those 30 will probably go in the sticker binder. The rest are in a bag that I'll probably drop in one of those little library boxes for someone else to sift through... or hold onto for like a year and then throw away.
Sounds like a woke conspiracy to run cars on air just to take jobs away from blue-collar oil and gas workers. Coal-rolls away in a lifted F-350 with aftermarket Cybertruck style headlights
A language is only as enjoyable as the hellish legacy projects that you'll actually spend your time maintaining.
I tried turning that on but it only applies to California residents.
Friends of Big Bear Valley has one with bald eagles that's pretty spectacular sometimes.
Monterey Bay Aquarium has some too. I like the sea otters and African penguins.
How do you handle merging between devices? Do you manually transfer/sync every time you add a new password?
Not trying to sell you on putting it in cloud storage or anything, but one really nice benefit to doing so is automatic merging through clients like Keepass2Android. If I add a new site to my phone and it doesn't already have the latest copy of my vault, it'll fetch and merge that first.
So just to be clear, people aren't allowed to criticize ads in Firefox unless they're open source developers actively contributing to Firefox or they only use... What, Opera?
Been a few years but I think it's from this show if anyone's curious.
The device in the thumbnail is the Ayaneo Flip DS, for anyone else wondering. From a quick search, it runs Windows and is stupid expensive.
I wasn't able to install from the Play Store, but it's on F-Droid too.
Doubt they'll go by IP location, but there may be a workaround depending on the service.
For example, California already has a similar law around cancelling gym memberships initiated online. Planet Fitness customers can just set their "home gym" to one in California to get access to one-click cancellation, even if their billing address is in another state.
Is there a mail client you prefer, by the way? I've been pretty happy with Spark for a while now, but I don't care about their AI features and I'd really like Gmail tag support.
Honestly, it just looks like a content blocker dropped some ads from the grid and there are either leftover containers or some CSS that's expecting elements to be in a specific order.