Revolution is a monad
That depends on your threat model. It's a useful strategy to hide your traffic from your local network admin (e.g. at the workplace) and your ISP, but it's a bad strategy for hiding your identity from the sites you're visiting.
I'm sure you're a great couple but if your concern is future-proofness consider separate domains.
Privacy is a trade-off against convenience, and there is no perfect privacy.
VPNs are a mediocre privacy tool, because they presuppose trust in the VPN provider. Tor is flawed because it is open to correlation attacks.
There are low-hanging fruit that everybody should be using like sensible cookie policies, HTTPS-only mode, and DNS over HTTPS.
If you are looking for a solution on the far end of privacy/inconvenience you could look into I2P and use that situationally.
It's a dick move for sure, but how exactly does it "break" GDPR?
Good clarification and advice.
There are so many considerations when "repairing" an installation, that I would definitely suggest a reinstall here.
Yes, for data recovery you really just need something to access the drives.
If you have backups, reinstall.
If you don't, boot a "live CD" USB stick and make a backup, then reinstall.
Then think about how this happened and how to avoid it in the future:
I tried updating Kubuntu to the newest version, and it got screwed up the first time,
In either case, its a quick copy/paste on my part, so /shrug.
I was thinking "okay this somewhat unconventional but whatever" until I read this. Use greasemonkey or something for the love of Christ!
Fedora plus rpm-fusion (rather than stock Fedora). I agree that this works really well for beginners, but the extra step of adding rpm-fusion holds some potential for frustration.
Agreed, but use sway instead of i3 for Wayland support.
Pretty sure uses forgejo under the hood.
Another very solid option for self hosting is just adding a git user to a server with git installed, initiate bare repositories there, then talk to them with
There are hidden settings that you can change. Try googling in combination with "dconf" or "dconf editor".
If you haven't mapped capslock to esc / ctrl yet what are you even doing on the internet?
Ah so that's what they trained AI on
Yeah there was a probably a nicer way to do what they are doing
I understand the worry that this is coup
but if you choose to believe
Seeing as there is nothing I can do about it
I empathize with the sentiment, but you're delusional.
Ah, I've only seen it done by referendum because parliament / congress had been dissolved by then. But hey, YMMV
It's a coup. They are currently rewriting the rules of how things are done.
The way things are going, the next "vote" you'll get is to ratify the new and improved constitution. I've actually seen a couple of coups first hand, that's usually how it goes.