_N_ @
_N_ @dormi.zone
Posts 0
Comments 4
So necramech parts all have equal drop chance, huh? _N_ @dormi.zone 4 0
I suspect they don't. They haven't been added to the drop tables, so we can't verify, but it seems they didn't actually adjust the drop chances like they said they did in the patch notes (the pod and engine originally had a lower drop chance).
Can't claim the Steelseries GG Giveaway? _N_ @dormi.zone 2 0
Logging out and back in fixed it for me.
Is there anything inside the room on Kullervo's island? _N_ @dormi.zone 1 0
I does appear that they don't spawn in the Kullervo version.
Is there anything inside the room on Kullervo's island? _N_ @dormi.zone 1 0
There was a somachord and one of the quiz tablets in there in Duviri experience.