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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 13
What conditions would you require to start general striking?
  • If 5% of all US workers striked, it would be the largest strike in US history by magnitudes. This says there are 170m workers in the US, which would put 5% at 8.5m. The largest single strike seems to be the 1946 steel strike which consisted of 800,000. 5% of everyone striking would not be third page news, and it would do damage to the oligarchs. I would absolutely consider 5% to be generalpopulace buy-in. Youre right half the country would actively oppose it, though.

  • [Lunacid] All features of Vampire characters
  • Thats what it stands for, yeah. Theres not any erp in the game. The poster above you references not liking kira (the game dev) because of something early access they dont want to explain about. I could be off on my timeline, but iirc thats about when they added pronoun options for the characters.

    Doesnt like the game? Thats fine, despite it being my favorite indie game of all time I do think its niche. But I wouldnt hold this posters views with any merit.

  • Trump least popular newly elected president since Second World War – except for himself
  • The fact that he isnt even less popular than his last election scares me. The guy has proven himself time and time again in the spotlight to be evil, moronic, really any negative adjective you can think of, and he still has supporters. More, even. How? *

  • Seccurrity risk
  • I actually consider it way worse when my domestic country is doing it. What is a foreign country gonna do with the information on me? Very little. What can the domestic do? Quite a lot.