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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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New Terms for Firefox from Mozilla Introducing a terms of use and updated privacy notice for Firefox | The Mozilla Blog

UPDATE: We’ve seen a little confusion about the language regarding licenses, so we want to clear that up. We need a license to allow us to make some of t

Introducing a terms of use and updated privacy notice for Firefox | The Mozilla Blog

Apparently mozilla wants the right to get data from firefox users. But not like general information, they want to know what data you upload or download through firefox.

> Without it, we couldn’t use information typed into Firefox, for example.

What the fuck? I use firefox because I want privacy!!! Not sharing my information with a company.

> We need a license to allow us to make some of the basic functionality of Firefox possible. WHY DO YOU NEED MY DATA TO MAKE FIREFOX WORK???


Discord notification Icon bugfix

For some time I missed the notification icon of discord. I mean the little number in the taskbar icon that appears, when you get a message.

Today I found a fix for it in the archwiki.

You need to have libunity version packaged for your distro installed. For me on debian it was libunity9. After installing it, you get the notification icon again!


Worth using distrobox?

I am thinking about using distrobox. Since I am on debian I wont need it to install software I could otherwise not install. But I have some apps that require weired install scripts and I am thinking about using it as a security measurement. Do you think that is a good idea? Does that idea makes sense?

Newbie Post: I have gone "all-in" with Linux Mint 22.1, wiping Windows completely. All good...with two nagging problems.
  • It seems that you are not aware in what format you installed your apps.

    Before you install an app, be aware what format it is, that you are installing. Is it a debian package installed via the apt cli or via some store gui? Is it a snap package? Is it an appimage? Is it a flatpak? All of these are different and can have different issues (advantages/disadvantages). Often the same app is available in multiple formats.

    This is a great video explaining what formats are out there:

  • Newbie Post: I have gone "all-in" with Linux Mint 22.1, wiping Windows completely. All good...with two nagging problems.
  • A have never used mint and only used debian as a Workstation. If there is a permissions issue with an application, my first thought is how you installed you application?

    When you say, you cant easily get tonthe content of a drive, what Desktop Environment do you us3 and what file explorer?

  • How to find project names?

    I am currently searching for a name that I can use for a software project. Id like to have a short one that has no real meaning associated with it. I already asked some ai's. All names that I found sound terrible or have some meaning attached to it. . Like the name is already used for some medication or so.

    How do you guys come up with names?


    Discord Update that enables Streaming on Wayland

    A few weeks a go discord on linux had an update that enabled you to do screensharing on wayland even with audio.

    There are a few bugs. For example, you can not change the window and sometimes have to reactivate the audio check box to have the audio work. Sadly the flatpak could not shit that update, because the chromium version shipped has to major bugs in flatpaks (issue).

    But the stable .deb has now working screen sharing with audio. That is something that x11 does not have.

    [SOLVED] Best way to switch a headless server from WiFi to ethernet?
  • Even if you do not use or like this approach, learning tmux is quite easy and quick and super useful. Just that you executed commands do not end when your ssh session crashes, that you can collaborate. Just attach multiple ssh sessions to one tmux session and everything, even the input, will be sync. In advance you get windows and split screen in any terminal.

  • [SOLVED] Best way to switch a headless server from WiFi to ethernet?
  • You might be able to prepare a bag accept that does the switch and run that inside a tmux session. The connection would get lost, but don't the tmux session did not care the script would finish. Although that would require to have the exact working commands. If anything goes wrong you would have to plug directly into the server.

    All I ever used was nmcli and I think it should work for this purpose. It was mostly pre installed. Rasbien as well as Debian had it or installed (the most used distros by me).