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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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The hardest part of building software is not coding, it’s requirements
  • Do you work with me? My boss refuses to do a market research, refuses to check our website usage, change features that users actually care about, because he doesn't seem value on it.

    And good lord, i have to create a dashboard to show our analytics, but he doesn't talk exactly what is needed. I spoke multiple times, said what i needed from him and he still doesn't know

  • Hiring an Engineering Manager Above Myself?
  • What exactly is the issue that makes you feel burned out? It looks to me that is the constant meetings and discussion about roadmap and stuff like that, were you're inquired about all statuses all the time.

    Why do the business team feel the need to discuss this so much? Do you have lots of stuff changing in the roadmap in those discussions? Do they inquire you a lot about status? Do the tasks status change a lot between those meetings? Do they change what the team focus should be? If is useless talk, then you need to assert yourself and say that you need less meetings to have more time to work. If they keep changing, then really they need to learn how to focus on something. Then you should talk to them the need to focus. If is just status that they want, then you can start making some documents that has the status updated and just share with them.

    This isn't a developer issue or a project issue, but people's issue. And Business people issue even, one of the worst.

    In one project i worked, there was always a Project Manager that would be talking to the business. They would always share the status of the tasks, talk about future plans and stuff like that. Them would filter the needed info to send to me, the tech lead of the project and we discuss what was needed. It was so much easier than talking to the client itself.

    For me, it looks like you need someone like this. It doesnt have to be a engineer or a developer, but someone with people skills that hold the business bullshit to get to you and your team. Leaving you to be focused on the projects. We devs like to shit on Project Managers, but a good Project Manager can help a lot in cases like this.

    I know you said that you're feeling overwhelmed with working on those 4 projects concurrently, but you also talked about them with a lot of pride and it seems that the teams and the projects are running well.

    What you complained the most is about the meetings. Meetings with the business team. Getting someone to handle them for you will make wonders

  • Making Python 100x faster with less than 100 lines of Rust
  • There is also lots of fields where Python performance isn't the bottleneck. In my backend web application, Python isnt holding us back and actually help us deliver features faster. And we can scale to much more clients before performance starts being an issue.

    My last project was a legacy Django web app, that actually worked fairly well, the problem was the shitty codebase but it was in Production for almost 10 years, thousands of users and everything worked

  • How do you measure the business impact of your engineers work?
  • I always explain what our software is about, i always talk about why we are implementing that feature and who is going to use it. This leads to sometimes they arguing with me about why should we make such feature and that is just a matter of the user getting used to

    But usually this helps motivating them and give them a better picture overall of what we are doing. Sometimes having a meeting talking about the future roadmap of the product itself and how the planned features align to this also helps a lot for them to get the bigger picture and how their work is impacting