Ah... so now we're not just dividing the people against themselves domestically, but internationally too.
Who benefits from that?
Whatever. It doesn't matter.
The basis upon which the Supreme Court will rule in his favor as necessary might be of some scholarly interest, but that they're going to is already a given.
I think it's more likely that he'll order killings the same way that his hero Putin does - it won't be officially acknowledged in any way, but it will be an open secret that he ordered them. And anyone who tries to look into any of them any further will be silenced.
Um... yes. That's pretty much what I actually said.
Did the parenthetical bit confuse you?
Aside from the simple fact that fascists hate all art (and everything and everyone, really) that doesn't hew to their narrow prejudices, I expect that a lot of the problem is that, as opposed to his cronies in the prison industry or the private school industry, none of the recipients of art funding pay him kickbacks.