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Just someone who likes artwork, open source technology, and cute bunnies.

I'm also on and Beehaw

Posts 7
Comments 6
[Mod Post] Looking for Moderators
  • Approved. I'm also looking to step down on my end given irl issues, so I'm also lookin to see about a community transfer.

  • [Mod Post] Looking for Moderators
  • Good idea; posted there now. Dunno the steps on community transferring but I'm looking to do that with a few pages; least so my own irl stuff doesn't stop a community dead in it's tracks.

  • [Mod Post] Looking for Moderators
  • Approved. Not to my knowledge but if you have any experience modding communities on places like reddit or discord I don't imagine it's too dissimilar. Mostly just look at the guidelines and act on reports of trolling, spam, harassment, the usual.

  • [Mod Post] Looking for Moderators
  • Approved. If you need some guidance then shoot a message and lemme know, I'm not the best by a long shot but I can give it my best.

  • What are some communities you miss on reddit?
  • Bit on the niche side but some relating to posting cute animal pics or some more hyper specific niche ones for some games. I actually run a few on Lemmy but real life issues alongside less activity overall means I'm lookin for some mods on that end.

  • Looking for Moderators

    Hi. Been awhile since I'd been able to check in due to significant amount of real life issues. As a result I'm not able to moderate as much as I used to nowadays. Since there's only two mods including myself I decided to post a call to see if anyone's up for moderating the page.

    Main requirements are reading and understanding the community guidelines and being on lemmy pretty often and willing to moderate when a report comes in. If anyone knows and is willing to do an ownership transfer then I'm open for that too though I'm fuzzy on how that's handled for Lemmy.


    Looking for Moderators.

    I don't like making text posts in communities formatted like this but I figure it's good for just this once, but if anyone wants to apply to be a moderator, just lemme know in the comments and I can assign that. Preferably say any experience you have and why, that isn't mandatory but it would help a lot to do so.

    Rabbits and Hats, what could be better? Tuvan41

    I sip tea and eat my hay biscuits in this fancy hat. (See body text)

    Originally from u/Smooth-Adhesiveness5


    StardewHomeDesign - The place for your Stardew Valley interior decorating

    Link !


    I always enjoyed seeing what people made for decorations in Stardew, so I figure I'd port it over to Lemmy. I also run FarmsOfStardewValley over on the .ml instance, but since that site is currently down I can't really share that for now. Not sure if I should try putting that on or not, at least as a fallback.


    A community dedicated to discussing Lost Media Lost Media -

    For the discussion of lost media, and the searches for them.


    Data is Beautiful - Visual representations of data: Graphs, charts, maps Data is Beautiful -

    A place to share and discuss visual representations of data: Graphs, charts, maps, etc. DataIsBeautiful is for visualizations that effectively convey information. Aesthetics are an important part of information visualization, but pretty pictures are not the sole aim of this subreddit. A place to sha...

    7 Little penguins to reclaim Tasmanian car park as city-based population thrives

    Hundreds of the world's smallest penguins call the foreshore of the Tasmanian city of Burnie home, and they'll soon have more room to move following the reclamation of a car park.
