I recommend looking into raw denim communities if there are any on lemmy. Japanese denim might give you what you are looking for. I have a pair of Edwin 503s that sound a lot like what you are asking about.
My work place has an app to open the front door. I refuse to use it and will continue to inconvenience myself by using my key.
UE mini boom Bluetooth speaker
I was looking at my little speaker the other day and thinking to myself about how well it has done. My husband bought it for me about 10 years ago when we were just dating and had moved halfway across the world together with little money. It seemed like a big splurge at the time and we were using it to watch tv shows on our laptop without relying on the tinny laptop speakers (we didn’t have a tv). Fast forward to now and that speaker has traveled all over the place, been to the beach, been camping, been on sailing trips etc. and it still holds a charge really well and has pretty decent audio quality for its size. It even still looks good. I think ten years is pretty good for a little Bluetooth speaker, personally (maybe that's a normal amount of time?). Hopefully I can get many more years out of it. Anyway it feels strange to bring up older items and recommend them as BIFL because you never know if manufacturers have kept up their quality over the years. If these speakers are still being made with the same quality i definitely recommend them.
Took my parents out into the ocean on our sailboat today and had perfect sailing weather all day. It was a great day had by all!