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Tasty beavers
  • And raspberry.

  • Please help resolve a disagreement in our home
  • We have several of those drawers.

  • Do you screw in both bolts on VGA cables, just the top one or ignore them altogether?
  • Having soldered many of both, I should have noticed. I literally just threw out a big pile of both that have been loitering in storage for years. I'm still surprised when old tech (for any random definition of "old") pops up.

  • Bidet anyone?
  • I wish I could upvote this twice.

  • Least favourite day of the week
  • Thursdays. I never did get the hang of Thursdays.

  • the fear of missing out a better compression
  • tar czf thing.tgz things/
    tar xzf thing.tgz
  • if trains honk at every crossing (in the US), shouldn't cars be honking at every crosswalk?
  • I have heard that when cars were a rare thing in the Old West that drivers had to stop at intersections, get out, and fire a gun to warn any horse-powered cross traffic. It sounds like total bs but there have been stranger laws...

  • I need more thock ...
  • Yeah, I like it. I'll be playing with the acoustics for a while to get the sound I want. The wireless is solid, no drops or other headaches. I had an issue with it loosing my custom config a couple of times on the default firmware but not since flashing the latest. My chief complaint is that it doesn't support qmk. I'm not clear on why, though, since it supports Via and I thought qmk was a prerequisite for it.

  • I need more thock ...
  • I've got some coming in from Ali along with a couple of others that were mentioned. They won't arrive for a bit though.

  • I need more thock ...
  • Thanks for summarizing. That guy has a ton of videos!

  • I need more thock ...
  • Hmm... I have gateron blues in my Keychron but they're not hot-swap. I may pickup a 10 pack of the Cherry's to test.

  • I need more thock ...
  • Thanks for the tip. I'll research that asap.

  • I need more thock ...
  • Thank you! Gold / yellow is hard to get right. Here is the Amazon link: Black and Gold Futuristic keycaps PBT Injection molding 148 Keys Ball Cap CSA Height Customized Personality Adapt to 61/64/68/71/82/84/87/96/98/104/108 Key Positions (I had to steal the Mac keys from my Keychron.)

  • I need more thock ...

    I just finished my Zoom65 V2 with kailh box jades and cheap Amazon caps. The sound is ok but I want something "deeper" and louder from the alpha keys. What do y'all suggest? Pulling out the foam in the bottom of the case and underside of the PCB definitely helped. I've done the tape mod and plan to do the holee mod when I open it up again.

    Got em
  • Did you know that a cow is more aerodynamic than a Jeep?