Oh, man. This brings back memories. I did this every time I loaded any game into the system. My PS1 had issues with the balls on the disc spindle that locked the disc in place. I had no idea and had so many issues with discs not loading until I discovered it. Then it became the disc equivalent of popping the cartridge out of the SNES and re-seating it until it worked. Eventually, I had to replace the balls as they fell out but as a broke college student, I just crumpled small bits of aluminum foil into similar sized balls and stuffed them in there. Worked great after that.
Fascinating. I had never heard of these. Thanks for the enlightenment!
Maximum, or current health? That is an important distinction which can drastically change the armor's utility.
I have these strings
To hold you down
I tie them tight, you can't burst out
You might scream
But I'm happy
I've got your skin on me
Sorry, I didn't mean for that term to apply to the specific items I called out from the list. What I was trying to say was for other items on this list, like a romantic attraction coming from the therapist, those can be things should be taken seriously and have justification for immediate concern.
It is very important to note that if you are seeing a new therapist or therapy is new to you, at least a few of these feelings are very common in the first few sessions (no chemistry, feeling disappointed or getting nowhere, trust). Even feelings of being judged or pushed to hard may come from initial feelings or not understanding what barriers or limitations you have that need to be addressed. Talk to them about those when they come up.
Some of these are obvious red flags to monitor and you should monitor all of these, but do not be discouraged if you are initially identifying with some of these; it takes time to settle in. Your therapist is first trying to get to know you, what you are going through, and understand how to help you. It's going to take multiple sessions depending on how much you need to get off your chest, but it should get better. If it doesn't, it's perfectly normal to switch to a different therapist.
Basic supply and demand economics. When supply is high and demand is low, prices fall. When demand is high and supply is low, prices rise. They think people will willingly sit in line regardless of the price because, in reality, people have.
Conversely, they wouldn't want to drive people away when business is slow and can easily jump into another drive thru.
Behind that gruff facade was a man who wanted to make people happy. He knew what Bart wanted from those calls and gave it his all.
The muscles that flex for me are the ones in the back of my head. If you place your hand on the back of your head directly between your ears (so just about where your skull begins to curve in and your neck muscles begin) it's the ones just on either side of the center line that do the flexing and pull my ears back. Try imagining scrunching up the back of your head.
It's the expected response for the punchline. The twist is he's deaf so he doesn't hear the question to give the delivery.
The X-Files. The direction they took after Robert Patrick joined just did not work and felt like a spinoff more than part of the main series.
Consider this, then. We understand how psychology works and why this situation is complety outside of any realm of possibility. Yet it is happening anyway. Consider that there is something out there, something external, something unknown, that we aren't even aware of yet that can have an effect on the human brain beyond the scope of our understanding or capabilities.
D&D has mindflayers that command a powerful control of the psyche. In that world, it is a logical reason for unusual or impossible behaviors. Harry Potter has the imperious curse as a logical way to accomplish something similar. These don't work in the real world and we have no real world equivalent.
But, the things in those worlds weren't always known about. There had to have been a period of discovery. Same with our reality. There have been many things we never knew we never knew until they were discovered. Applying logic to these situations with the knowledge of the time made it harder to understand or take seriously because we didn't have a concept yet for what it was. Yet it was there.
The fault represents that unknown both in knowledge as well as understanding. It isn't meant to be taken literally as "This thing can cause supernatural brain control." Rather, it is playing on that concept of discovery of the unknown. The hole we as humans must dive into to understand the world around us. The comic doesn't reveal the reason for it. But isn't that the very nature of exploring the unknown? We are driven to it to fulfill a need.
Sure, it could be that there is an unknown "thing" the comic never reveals, something left to our imagination to fill in the blanks which can often be a lot scarier than anything we can come up with. But it is stirring those thoughts of curiousity to find the reason, the source. The hole is considered "my hole" not because it was made for us, but because that is our personal passion, our special interest, our allure for discovery. And through it, you are changed.