>buys a Visual novel
>gets a book with moving images
I get your point, but some people do really just want to relax with a choose your own adventure book with some cool art and catchy music, no need to act surprised when people have different tastes than yours!
The songs are still written and composed by humans, only the performance is Virtual, and even then they are mocapped. It's more akin to vtubers rather than AI
Thank you for bringing up some happy memories
That works for consumers because they don't have nothing to lose. Smaller devs will still gravitate towards Unity because the various fees don't apply to them, but any big studio won't touch it with a ten feet pole. Immagine putting the salaries of a full studio in the hands of a company that might decide out of the blue to ruin your business model, it's a nightmare scenario for any CEO! More so when there are viable alternatives
Fuck landlords, but this is pretty stupid. Most contracts have a "fair use" clause, if the water bill is too high you'll probably have to pay it yourself. Plus don't waste water you dingus
Golem's lab, circolo aics che fa da ludoteca, in Via San Leonardo 18/A, aperto dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 19:00 alle 01:00 e il sabato dalle 15:00 alle 01:00.
Goblin, negozio di giochi da tavolo, principalmente organizzano serate di magic, ma quando il negozio è aperto funziona anche da piccola ludoteca
I don't remember exactly the number of hours, but I'd say less than 5! It's tied to player level/story progression. You get your first one a couple of story beats after your first mission with a cutscene in it ( the data collection one)
Exoprimal has been my surprise of the year. Really thought it was mediocre after a couple hours in but then it opened up with more game modes, dinos and became way more team focused and fun. The 10 player raids are some of the most fun coop I've had in the last years
6 nimmt ha rimpiazzato Uno come gioco base che porto sempre dietro in spiagga/parco! Poi se siamo in 4 o meno anche the crew è piccolo e molto godibile
Daje, in bocca al lupo! Miraccomando non farti sottopagare
Praticamente sempre, quando mi corico metto qualche video di YouTube con cui addormentarmi. Quando il video finisce sono spesso già nel mondo dei sogni