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Spice Up Encounters With Flavor Rolls Spice Up Encounters with Flavor Rolls

By rolling on some specially-designed D4 tables, I can inject a few fresh twists into a scene whenever I need to spice things up and captivate my players again.

Spice Up Encounters with Flavor Rolls

An interesting prep idea to help keep play interesting.

My DIY Dungeons and Dragons ambiance mixer
  • That's awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  • Poll: GMs, where do you find players? Players, where do you find games?
  • No. As a mostly forever GM, my recruitment pattern is the same regardless of system. However, availability and other factors may dictate how I play it (in person vs VTT).

    First are friends and family. I always ask if they're interested in trying some new TTRPG especially if I know it's something they're interested in. (Newest being tried is Pokethulhu).

    Second, if someone in my VTT group has indicated an interest in something, I'll reach out to them to see if they're interested or just announce I'm trying something new. If needed, and then if it's a system my VTT supports, I'll announce to the VTT population in general that I'm trying something and see if anyone is up for it.

    Third, if I still haven't reached my preferred player count and the existing players don't mind, I'll post something at my local hobby store to see who's interested. Though, it almost never gets to this point.

    If I actually get a chance to play, it's either family/friends or VTT. It's also usually one-shots or short adventures. I don't want to commit to a long running campaign as I usually can't commit to something that long and don't want to cause issues if/when I drop from it.

  • AI D&D | Campaign 1 - Episode 1 | AC (ft. Joe Rogan, Trump & Elon)
  • Seriously curious as to why this is getting down-voted. Is it because it's AI generated, not good, or something else?

  • Poll: GMs, where do you find players? Players, where do you find games?
  • My family, friends, local hobby store, my VTT of choice Fantasy Grounds (forums & Discord), and resources focused on FG e.g. Fantasy Grounds Academy.