Holy shit, EA did something.... Good? I did not have that on my 2025 bingo card. So, what's the catch? There has to be a catch, right?
What about disliking textbook fascism and blatant corruption is tripping you up here?
"you're ignorant and spiteful, so be proud of being one of the dumbest people alive! You're rare bread!"
"Warrior Essentials" is exactly the name of a snake oil brand id expect moron maga alpha wannabes to ignorantly fall for. They're so fucking easy to grift.
Most of them are totally fine with most everything that's happening. They have all the tools to keep their stock portfolios stacked, they never cared about poors, and they get to campaign on "omg look how awful." They're gonna whine performatively and not do a damn thing to actually stop a single thing. If they had half a collective spine and a fractuon the moral fortitude Bernie does, we never would have gotten here to begin with.
Most of them are complicit in this. Their opposition is feigned or bought.
That's only because no one else has spare money to spend.
I mean, maybe my friends are just weird, but I'm looking at the success of mass effect trilogy, BG3, the older dragon age games, etc and a huge talking point was always all the companions and possible avenues of romance and sex. That should never be the focus of the game, but it can be a substantial part of the overall experience and add a lot.
"Liberty Council" seems to take away liberties. Yup. That sounds like conservatives all right.
It's just like our beloved Jesus said. Fuck the poor, fuck the sick, worship the rich. Or something, I'm a Republican, so I never actually read that book. /s
The cost is so much greater than the points you make, too. It's just common sense that a healthy society is a productive society. Students getting the care they need can get a better education. Workers that aren't stressed about unaffordable healthcare are innately healthier and can contribute more to society. A rising tide lifts all ships, and pretending that the bulk of our nation's ocean can sink is only going to keep everyone down.
It is truly baffling to me how desperate some people are to believe this. What in human history has shown any indication that what is happening now is for any benefit other than the billionaires?
But wasting money removing something already paid for and done, that employees rely on and costs basically nothing, is "mission critical?" Idk. Seems kinda... Inefficient.
I love basically losing a month of my income when we're already barely getting by. Fuck this fucking shithead administration to hell with a rusty whisk.
This just in: fascist dictator wannabe lies with reckless abandon.
This is some dark shit. Removing proven leaders to promote cronies is both detrimental to our military strength and a massive red flag to our democracy. How this entire fascist takeover is being allowed is baffling to me. I genuinely fear for America.
So weird that it's only fallen 7% considering before January 2025 we hadn't had a fatal plane crash in almost 16 years, and now we've had multiple in a month.
Doesn't sound very... Efficient.
Sic semper tyrannis.