Best pizza I have had was; BBq base Pepperoni Bacon Mushrooms Red onion Mozzarella Goats cheese & Blue cheese
Looked like someone sneezed on a kebab but was so so good
Davinci Resolve Install
Hello all. After years of running it on my GPD and even more years of windows doing dumb shit I set up my PC for dual booting windows and pop (had to keep windows due to a couple games and that Linux doesn't work with my capture card) while trying to get Davinci Resolve working though, all the documentation mentioned a program being needed. But when I go to the website it is offline. Does anyone have any advice? Also if anyone has any suggestions to get a Elgato HD60 Pro working on pop then that would be incredible (but not optimistic about that one at all so no worries if not).
Thank you for your time Guy, Gals, and Enby Pals