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TeMPotato TeMPotato

humble net denizen. i enjoy art, music and games. open source advocate. please be kind to another. πŸ„

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Other meaning for USA people
  • Mexican upbringing here, it is most definitely a "Whitey" thing.

  • Just finished Alan Wake 2
  • The original two Max Payne games are lovely and a favorite of mine to replay every few years or so, personally. They are very straight forward shooters though and can be a little hard at times, but extremely fun.

    If you enjoy Sam's writing, you'd very much enjoy Max Payne 1+2. Experience where it started, as it were.

  • Let's discuss: Tetris
  • This version of Tetris likely has my most amount of hours on it as well, I played so much of it on my DS back in the day. Absolutely fantastic.

    My runner up in terms of hours is probably Puyo Tetris.

  • Stonetoss, a popular far-right comic artist, has been identified.
  • Just a minor correction as I live in the area as well, Spring is the closest direct suburb of Houston which is anything but small town. Not excusing it of associated problems of being a relatively affluent/gentrified area in Texas, of course.

    Reading through this thread, this guy is nuts though. That's a special brand of crazy.