How many new currencies and sub currencies are we getting in this one? Is there no other way than to fill my bag with more currencies than items?
Spell effects for casters
Has there been any talk about how dull casters like priest look when doing anything?
Be it staffs or offhands, when it comes to casting spells, they don’t have any bearing on the visuals.
I wish you could actually see your equipments being involved when I’m using mind blast or smite.
I’m sure I’m not the first guy to feel that way. So wanted to know if blizzard have recently talked about reevaluating how casters combat stances could be updated.
but if they did that, how would they try and tempt you into buying Mtx by showing other whales with all the cash shop gear?
They spent money patenting for this shit after all.
because its funny...and true.