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Favorite 2-factor authenticator?
  • Aegis user here ✌️ I've never had any issues since I started using it. Switched to it and Bitwarden after using LastPass for quite a bit. I know Bitwarden has 2FA but I haven't decided if I want premium yet or not.

  • something off about the sound of that ring
  • Yep! Every single time if it isn't one of my contacts or my caller ID doesn't know who it is. If it's important they'll usually leave a voicemail.

  • Potential Bug? - UI freaks out when a Bluetooth keyboard is used on Android
  • I'd definitely think so lol I'm running the latest update that I'm able to, Android 13 on OneUI 5.1. I wouldn't think that would matter but with tech I guess ya never know anymore haha.

  • Potential Bug? - UI freaks out when a Bluetooth keyboard is used on Android
  • For me it's in General management, Physical keyboard ✌️

  • Potential Bug? - UI freaks out when a Bluetooth keyboard is used on Android
  • I also found this in my settings. Maybe it could help?

  • Potential Bug? - UI freaks out when a Bluetooth keyboard is used on Android
  • I'm typing this with a fosmon bluetooth keyboard/trackpad on my Galaxy S22+ without any issues. Could be the keyboard or device you're using it on? Either way hope ya find a fix ✌️

  • Can't log in?
  • I was having that issue earlier myself. Removed my account from the app then just added it back. Seems to be fine now ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ best of luck!

  • Someone did this to my RepCom back in the day.
  • I feel that. Really glad that I have more respectful friends these days, at least. I'd trust them with just about anything I own 👍

  • FedEx being mildly irritating
  • Sorry you had such a wild experience. I had to comment though because the "from" address looked familiar.. Steam Deck, perhaps? 😄 I wanna say mine took 6-7 days to get to me. Well worth the wait though! Really hope everything turns out okay and you get it sooner than later.

  • Someone did this to my RepCom back in the day.
  • I let a friend borrow my copy of Conker: Live and Reloaded years ago. Somehow, while on his desk, he managed to snap it in half. When I asked for it back he found it underneath something, went "oh shit.. sorry bud" and handed it back. Dude was like 3 times my size and I hate confrontation, so there went that I guess lol. Never compensated me for it or anything. Last time I looked it up it's kinda rare (lol) to find these days.

  • 404
  • I just end up smashing the lock button a few times until my horn goes off. That way I know it was locked.