RaceMenu - Animated Overlays
Allows you to choose RaceMenu overlays to only show up when you're fighting, as well as offering a selection of particle effects to use in or out of combat.

I've recently bumped into this little mod here. It basically just adds a toggle that makes it so that specific RaceMeny overlays you pick fade out when not in combat and fade in when they are in combat.
Makes for a rather rad effect, and I don't think I've seen anyone talk about this mod anywhere so might as well share it.
Cosmic Prayer

" Lost within a dream, can I float anywhere
Or am I just spectating a scene?
Is this the tranquiity I've fought so hard to find
Or has the end been found inside of me? "
Dragon model by Warfaremachine

Heya. It's just me, System Searcher.
Finally made the jump to Lemmy and now I'm somewhat here.
I'm a weirdo who is less of a furry and more of an overall xenophiliac, along with a bit of an obsession with celtic knottery and other such designs. As you can clearly see lol.
Hope to find myself at home aronud here!