Why the fuck are they posting this bullshit? The cost of an email include the cost of the device you use to send or read the email, which is 70% of the cost. Then it's 15% (energy wise) to transport the email. The cost of storing the email is 0.5%.
With that in mind, think about how much it costs to watch 1h on YouTube or Netflix...
Some explanations in French (sry):

yes, that's the problem. We may still have 47 years of oil left (I think we have less), but the cost to extract it will rise, and the economy will take a hit. So yes, we have to reorganize or we won't have to only think about the climate...

if you don't have enough copper to transition to renewable energy, and don't have enough oil to continue, you're in for some fun times...

Limits to growth is wrong then? Is there enough oil and copper at the current rate?

What's the point if we can't get past 2050?