I'm new to that subject. One can argue if they were truly socialist or state capitalist. I sadly have no thought on the matter :( One thing I can say is that the implementation of socialism on countries that were formerly capitalist or monarchist may have been a new concept. They might have went back to what they knew best since socialism may have been venturing into the unknown for them. Correct me if I'm wrong.
One mistake here, a socialist system wouldn't forget how capitalism works. If we forget, it can come back under our noses lol, otherwise, I like this story. It paints the picture of the U.S and their paranoia well. I'd like to add onto this idea. Perhaps the U.S will say "Hmm... They have more advanced systems. Let's pretend to be their friend and steal their technology, gain an advantage, then when confronted, tell them they stole first!"
Honestly I want to make a story about humans in the future finding a planet they can breathe on and want to travel to. 100 times better than the societies on earth since the other species and their societies are more advanced. And then you have the government ruling majority of this earth trying to keep humans inside this dome they created for them. And then there's like a certain group that wants to not only help humans be able to go to that other planet, but to also bring that other planet's qualities to earth and overshadow the old rule.
How Are People Re-educated?
I have a peer-to-peer teach speech on March 5th. The teacher grades the hardest for those going last (and that is yours truly.) Who I'm supposed to be doing a presentation on is Margaret (puke) Thatcher. If I were to use the usual sources on her, the presentation would be pro-neoliberalism propaganda. If I were to use socialist sources that displayed how life really was during her term, my audience might believe I'm doing negative propaganda against her.
How would communists re-educate? I don't aim to sway the audience towards socialism since I only have short time with them. I imagine that in history class within a communist society, figures of the west are not glorified and sugarcoated. There's truth. I just want to do research on Thatcher and show how life truly was for immigrants, people of color, working class, etc. I wish to challenge that western perspective of praising her, but my issue is, I don't want to give a propaganda vibe.
TL;DR: Tell me how re-education goes in communist societies. What are the qualities of their history classes? How did they approach people "transitioning into communist ideals" coming out from capitalist ideals? Could I also add some components that makes the "lesson" enjoyable to listen to so that information is digested into their mind?
Here are sources shown about Margaret Thatcher, and here is her opinion on Socialism.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
In this source, they called it "The Great Wave: Margaret Thatcher, The Neo-liberal Age, and the Transformation of Modern Britain."
And here's a socialist source I found. There are words that the average liberal cannot look at (capitalism, capitalist, working class, etc.) They immediately stop listening when they hear those words uttered.
How do i view the edit 😭 I used to could but idk if they removed it or if it ws ever an option
What irks me is how they use the keywords 'we.' The billionaires do not include you in their decisions. God it grinds my brain
I don't understand the joke :(