People like women more than men in general, and are more comfortable interacting with women. That's why service positions selectively hire more women and effeminate men.
Unfortunately nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
What does 2020 have to do with 50 years of wage stagnantion?
Because of wealth inequality we have less than half the buying power that people in the 70s did.
When we want that to change we can fix wealth inequality by redistributing the excess wealth of the rich.
We're still piecing it together.
But the driver was a veteran and the trunk of the Tesla was filled with fuel and fireworks. The car was rented.
There's speculation that it was related to another veteran who ran people over in New Orleans around the same time who had literal ISIS bumper stickers on his truck.
Unfortunately nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
So do you think it's funny that the Tesla self destructed, or do you think it's funny someone blew it up?
I think it's funny either way
It doesn't matter if they are a troll, respect them.
Yeah people don't want to do that
These are unironically the two possibile conclusions for the question "what is the meaning of life?"
There's no objective or purpose, so there will never be an answer.
Queer spaces don't need to validate trolls to be inclusive