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Bear Philippe

(he/him) A queer dad transplanted from Detroit to Austin learning to be a better accomplice, abolitionist, socialist, anarchist. TRANS RIGHTS! LANDBACK! NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF! ๐Ÿ––๐Ÿผ IDIC

Profile picture is a 40-something person with dark hair wearing a black bandana over his hair and a black mask over his lower face. His eyes are wide, and he looks directly at the camera. Behind him is a life-size replica of a mastodon with its mouth wide open and trunk raised, as if trumpeting triumphantly.

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Why the galactic barrier and transporters donโ€™t match real science, and why warp drive might
  • @taladar @dustojnikhummer Why not just let the crew member stay on the ship and just send dozens of copies of them to the planet to overwhelm any danger with sheer numbers?