I don't know what kind of ruse you're trying to perpetuate, but comment replies shouldn't make me laugh out loud.
omg!!! Thank you! I didn't realize a swipe was multiple things. I just have to finesse lmao. I am so perfectly happy rn
I'm using a 2 column layout and swiping hides the post. I don't see a setting to customize gestures but I'll look again, I didn't even think of that
First, thank you so much for this app. I've tried so many and this one was a no brainier, especially since it is so incredibly customizable. The major feature I've been waiting for is multi column views (I can never go back lol)
I have a couple requests:
Is it possible to add voting without opening the post?
This is the only RIF screenshot I have lol but you can see what I mean in the bottom right.
Second, some posts get kind of wonky when there's a title and image so it gets very long:
Any way to make the post on the right look like the one on the left? I think it's specifically when the image is a link preview.
Again thank you so much and either way this app is amazing. I so appreciate the work you've done to make this happen ❤️
I never used sync for Reddit, I was (and remain in my heart) a die hard RIF user. I appreciate the work you've done so much and more than ANYTHING the ability to have multiple columns again. It's sync for me now.
I'm not kidding, this is my favorite thing I've ever seen
It very much depends on what's around your that participates in the program but I've had great experiences when I've used it. My favorite was a $5 for a bag of 6 pastries made that morning.
This is the laugh I needed today
Unrelated, I'm feeling weirdly aggressive towards my unopened mail