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  • @varsock @otto
    Oh god yes! Each instance of VS22 takes up more than 1Gb of RAM - what I'm doing right now with this piece of code does NOT need 1Gb of memory! Have they not heard of lazy loading?

  • Should a toggle button show its current state or the state to which it will change?
  • @calcopiritus @starman
    Buttons/switches trigger an immediate action, whereas checkboxes usually do not (such as on a settings page, where no changes are applied unless you click "save").

  • Should a toggle button show its current state or the state to which it will change?
  • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer @DmMacniel
    I see now there's some confusion. When it said "toggle button", I thought a Switch was being discussed, but when I clicked on the OP I see it actually does mean button, so we've got some people talking about switches and some people talking about buttons (and yeah, a switch should show current state, but a button should show what would happen if you clicked it).

  • Announcing .NET Chiseled Containers - .NET Blog
  • @lysdexic @Eezyville
    Probably just the MS version of Apple's "reimagined" (where they copy a 5-year old Android feature and then try and make it sound "new and innovative").