Wealthiest 10% of US Households Responsible for 40% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Study Simodeus @lemmy.world 2 0
Basically money is energy. You are using money to buy things which uses energy, stuff produced by machines which need something to run of, not from horses or ppl, but from oil and coal.
Uutiskuvat ovat korvautuneet somepostauksilla Simodeus @lemmy.world 2 0
Samaa tänään mietin, että iltapäivälehdet täynnä sisältöä muualta.
Climate change made July hotter for 4 of 5 humans on Earth, scientists find - The Mainichi Simodeus @lemmy.world 3 0
Same here in Finland. We don't have high temperatures, but the humidity is really high.
Lemmy.world (and some others) were hacked Simodeus @lemmy.world 3 0
It seems that I lost all my subs. There were not many but still annoying.
E: Still subbed but can't see those in Voyager.