Posts 0
Comments 6
me_irl 2 0
"It can say
"what's crackin'?" or "what's crackin' boo"
What was the time you almost died/had a close call? 12 0
Don't even have a limp or anything. But I did pull glass out of my face for like 3 years
*Permanently Deleted* 3 0
One of my all time favorites. Absolutely jaw dropping and mind fucking. Especially for a 14 year old
Vampire Survivors is finally getting couch co-op multiplayer for up to 4 players 1 0
What are some other examples? My wife and I are desperate for all couch co op!
What's the age cut off for socially acceptable gaming 1 0
Close to 40 here and game is life.
If I meet someone new and they don't game I'm like "oh." and ask them politely, yet firmly to leave.