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Former Reddit lurker, new Fediverse adopter. Labrat, she/her.

Profile: gif image of the tardigrade, a microscopic organism. Banner: science lab bench work space

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Comments 1

( Watching a hero at the Costco food court down half a tray of croissants, half a litre of milk and proceed to tackle a rotisserie chicke

\#randomobservation Watching a hero at the Costco food court down half a tray of croissants, half a litre of milk and proceed to tackle a rotisserie chicken. Proper posture and neat pile of used napkins. #legend

How do I remove sticker residue from glass containers?
  • +1 for goo gone/mineral oil, but you can also try a plastic scraper for the majority, then wipe away with either: acetone (nail polish remover), rubbing alcohol/vodka, or even tape itself (masking/packing/duct tape). Good luck 👍🏼