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I have come to proruletize about MindWave, it's a warioware with disaster girlies
  • Looks cute! I'll keep an eye on for when it releases

  • Rule
  • We tease them because we love them!

  • Sinner(ule)
  • His ass will experience hell in earth caused by his own desires.

  • I'm on rules
  • Mine >:3

  • One hammer to rule them all
  • I believe it's a Lemun Russ

  • I'm on rules
  • Nom :3

  • this is controllable now: guy has moving robot messing with stuff in his house and blabbering TTS under internet control
  • Was difficult to move the RC. But I had a lot of fun with the TTS. Kept trying to talk to the person in the house. Finally saw the guy as he was shutting us down and tried to tell him not to touch us.

  • Massachusetts teacher on leave after holding mock slave auction and using racial slur, official says
  • I dont remember what grade I was in. But I'd guess between 13 - 19 years ago. I just looked Nature's Classroom up though and they've been around for 50 years.

  • Massachusetts teacher on leave after holding mock slave auction and using racial slur, official says
  • Grew up in Mass. I remember one year I had to go to a multi-night field trip called nature's classroom. One the things we learned about was the underground railroad. They lined us up in rows of 2 and walked us like we were slaves while calling us negros and made whip cracks. They warned us that it would be Intense beforehand and a few kids cried who were allowed to fall out. It was intense but it was eye-opening of just a fraction of what slaves went through.

    This however clearly had a bias of the participants color, did not get approval or suggestions from other staff. Or have a place for students to disengage from participation if they were yo troubled by it.