What is happening?
Already answered your own question there chum:
have the Tories just given up
...they're literally just sitting and running down the clock at this point.

This is exactly the sort of aggressive nonsense that constitutes the problem I'm trying to shed light on for you. Stop it. You don't help. The road it leads down ends in oppression for all of us, no matter if it's from the "left" or "right". Stop picking fights.
For the record, your read of me is very far off the mark.

"Politics" is not about reconciliation. It is a battle
Oh well, I tried.

The "i don't want factions" faction
Which you've just invented. No such animal exists unless you insist on comprehending the world in absolutes. It's an unhelpful choice.
irreconcilable differences in ideology
There are none. When you choose an ideology that claims there are, then you are de facto giving up on politics in favour of fighting.
The reason we as a species gradually invented politics over the last five or ten thousand years is precisely to reconcile differences of opinion that would otherwise lead to conflict. A refusal to partake in it would be base barbarism, in my estimation.

You're keen to do "factions" (your word).
That's not politics. That's the problem with politics.

I recall having a vague idea it might've been a Charlie Brooker project, but I don't remember why.
The animal genitalia insults fitted, at any rate.

spEak You’re bRanes
I miss that site so very much.

Is there really any need to import stupid school playground drama from reddit?
No. No, there is not :)

Vielen dank - jetzt fühle ich blöd :D

Ja, ich verstehe so viel (memes are the same all over the world ;D ) - aber habe ich noch keine Ahnung was "ich_iel" bedeutet :)

Ah, ich höffte daß diese Frage über die weiter Meinung von "ich_iel" Posten war...
(mein Scheißdeutsch entschuldigen, bitte :D )

There's no need for monoculture - especially on a platform that aims to be decentralised.
Look at it this way - if some town has three gay bars, three metal pubs and three old-man real-ale pubs, it's not an issue for the LGBT community, the metal community or the drunk old men; they're just different places to drink. Possibly the drunk gay old metal fans might get confused, but they sound awesome and are likely welcome everywhere.
...actually, thinking about it, I bet the drunk old men probably do have an issue with all eight of the other pubs they don't go to. But that's just them.

Matey's checked out at this point. I reckon all his press statements are just ChatGPT now.
Maybe some of his video appearances too tbh.

Fundamentally they work the same way - it's just that comment threads are the first-class citizen in Lemmy.
You can follow Mastodon posts from Lemmy and vice-versa, although obviously the UI and UX may go a bit squinty.

It makes me wonder whether Labour will even arrive in time to turn things around.
One suspects this may be central to the government's resistance to an early election - the longer the place declines, the better the chance of Starmer being a Callaghan rather than a Blair or even - be still my beating heart - an Attlee.

Right up there with Politics4Ali. I actually don't know whether this one is legit or not, but it does pop up a lot. Who knows? 🤷
...but I don't think she's going to get the boot. She's still the backbench headbangers' golden girl, and if she gets bounced then real fissures begin to open - since the name of the game at this point is "tough it out and keep the salaries rolling in till January '25", she's sitting pretty.

Please don’t be too principled as long as the tools and community to back up those principles aren’t in place.
I very much agree with this, @sunaurus@lemm.ee - your stance above is, I think, exactly as a stated policy should be, but please do remember that plans and reality must meet somewhere along the way. If you overthink things or cleave too religiously to the rules you've set yourself, you risk taking too long to act, and it's exactly this delay between problem and reaction that bad actors exploit.
Don't cut off your nose to spite your face, basically. Lemm.ee is a great instance, and we'd all, I think, love to see it stay that way 🙂
What's the deal with lemmit.online?
Looks to me like it does nothing but copy across posts from Reddit, none of which seem to ever get commented on.
I'm puzzled. Seems like an odd thing to do generally - am I missing something obvious about its purpose? Some benefit it provides (other than clogging up my 'all communities' feed 😛 )? Is it going to just stop dead when the API changes come in on Saturday?

Would you say they were going... weakly?

Maybe if we're really lucky it'll be an extra-silly one this year.

For my money: yes, you should use an IDE or something like one, but not because you're "missing out" - rather, because a plain text editor will limit your progress.
There are (still!) people around who think it's some sort of badge of honour to only use text editors, but in reality, this means they miss the syntax errors and typoes that we all make because we are human, and end up wasting hours looking for them when an IDE would let them see them.
You wouldn't turn up at a cookery school saying "I'm still a beginner, so I'm only going to use this pair of scissors" - specialised knives and utensils are part of the chef's toolkit, and becoming a better chef is just as much about learning to use them effectively as it is about memorising recipes. It's the same with programming.