Except the numbers work out, and studies have made very very sweeping generalizations based on much smaller sample sizes of much larger demographics (for example the 1 in 5 myth comes from a study that had less than 100 respondents). This study is a dream compared to those.

Actually the sample size checks out. I love it when people see "Smol number not as big as big number, therefore sample size bad" and I am going to pull a very elitist argument here and say that people at Harvard University likely know more about polling than you do, just saying.

Political Compass Memes and he's bsing lol. Ironic people bash the hardest on one of the few non-toxic subs where you could at least have a little fun.

I honestly don't see anything of value being lost. They can wall off into their own echochamber and the rest of us can communicate freely.