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Personal Finance RunningMan

Recommendations for Budgeting App (that’s not Mint)

After years of Mint I’ve decided to look for other options. Im considering doing it myself in a spreadsheet but before I go that route (not ideal) I thought I’d see if anyone had recommendations on good basic family-budget apps. Would be great if it could link with bank accounts but I’m open to anything at this point.

Heart rate zone training - what percentages do you use?
  • I spent hours researching and tweaking my Garmin’s HRZ’s in my first year of running. It was the most important metric for me to follow and I think it helped me build a nice aerobic base.

    As I’m only an amateur I won’t share anything specific but anecdotally, I found that once I dialed in where I “thought” (through many different self-test options I found online) my lactate threshold was and could start to identify that space between zones 3-4 I could then pull back and find my comfortable zone 2 space. After that I started manually adjusting the zones. I will say now I don’t use it as more than an occasional reference. I think a lot of folks (maybe?) migrate to using a combo of HRZ and RPE.

    I’d say now I think I know what it feels like when I’m pushing past my lactate threshold and what comfortable and sustainable feels like and try to trust that.

    Good luck in your running!!

  • Frugal RunningMan

    YSK: Most Stores List “Price Per Ounce” On Every Tag

    cross-posted from:

    > As the picture shows, most (all??) grocery stores will show the price per ounce on the item’s price tag. > > It’s usually on sales tags too. > > I was FAR too old before I realized this and it’s made price comparisons in-store much easier. > > Note: Not my photo. Just generic photo from google.

    Backyard Ultra Race/Training Advice
  • Thank you for this!

    I like the idea of 12mi runs split into 4mi segments. Any thoughts on how quickly to do each lap, i.e. faster with more break time vs slow with less break.

    The 8+ lap goal was just to hit the 50k mark. I hadn’t even begun to consider what it would mean to run into the night. Does the structure and forced pace equate to being able to do more laps than one planned?

    I’m curious what the race looks like for more seasoned backyard runners. Does their pace just wane until they don’t make it around in time or do they quit when they can’t hold a specific threshold. Probably not an across the board thing but just wondered.

  • Backyard Ultra Race/Training Advice

    As the title says any advice on training for and/or running a backyard ultra for a first timer?

    Background: I’m one of the “started running during covid”people. No longer morbidly obese and enjoying the hobby a lot! After my first marathon last October I decide to try a 50k in 2023 but have now transitioned to the idea of a backyard ultra with an 8+ lap goal.


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    Remember the mustard, learn how to save your batteries, and the best trick for a cold sleeping bag

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