Queer disabled anarchist who builds communities for mutual aid online. I also stream and such: https://linktr.ee/rosethornranger
I see communities for disabled and neurodivergent people, but are there any where accessibility itself is focused on?
what I see in a lot of these communities is that they are about the same as any other community in functionality and how people interact, without any additional accessibility. They just happen to have disabled people and such.
Like, I want to find a place that uses tone indicators, or writes posts with alt-text, or even removes ableist language like I've seen in some videos or articles (I'll put a link to that one)
Do yall have recommendations for that kind of thing?
A short intro to ableist language by an autistic person
YouTube Video
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[3 different thumbnails given to you randomly. All have words in yellow text. One says “explaining ableist language” another has “intro to ableist language” and one says “what is ableist language?”. They are all next to the disabled pride flag and on a digital art wooden background with a grey table in the bottom left corner]
I tried to make an account there and was denied, so I think somebody else will have to for me lol
as a queer disabled person, progressive spaces are far from ones I feel safe in.
I posted another video on ableism and it got over 10 downvotes and it was much more specific in the title
I mean look, its already being downvoted with this milquetoast title
my trans shit was downvoted too
it does, but sadly I have a suspicion some people in this sub might not watch it if i included that
A short video on how language can hurt people with disabilities
YouTube Video
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[3 different thumbnails given to you randomly. All have words in yellow text. One says "explaining ableist language" another has "intro to ableist language" and one says "what is ableist language?". They are all next to the disabled pride flag and on a digital art wooden background with a grey table in the bottom left corner]
did you even watch the video?
Short video on how putting cis people in charge of trans people is transphobic
YouTube Video
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alt-text for thumbnail: a youtube video titled "democracy is transphobic" with that written in green and red letters. It is on top of a digital art wooden background next to a non-binary flag
people here think "scientific terms" are not social constructs? Yall, scientific models are models they aren't reality itself
anyways, go subscribe there and talk in my discord if you want to talk to people realistic about this shit
short video on how "biological sex" is a social construct
YouTube Video
Click to view this content.
alt-text for thumbnail: The words: ““biological” sex is the gender binary” on a 2d digital art wooden background next to the non-binary flag
at the end of the day, puberty is an incredibly political situation, with lots of right wingers attacking trans people over it. It has a lot of crossover with things such as sexism as well
short video on how we should treat puberty
YouTube Video
Click to view this content.
alt-text: [yellow words saying “abolish cis puberty” next to a trans flag on a digital art wooden background]
Video on how we produce more than we could ever possibly consume, so there is no ethical production under capitalism
YouTube Video
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alt-text: the words “no ethical production under capitalism” with production underlined. It is next to the ancom flag, and is over a digital art wooden background.
community fridges are a good example of this working. I don't need to propose anything
well, this will be a space you are likely to be far less radical than average in I can say that, and I checking out these sites for the first time and these forums have not impressed me. The more public anarchist spaces tend to not have much going on because so much energy goes towards dealing with trolls and such, so they can't build mutual aid and such internally
Have you looked into anarchist communities? What I typed here was like, just a basic summery of stuff that is completely uncontested there I thought would make for an easy spam post in other places to find other anarchists lol
I got a discord server linked in my bio if you would like to meet a group of people who all believe in this stuff, and I can help you find others if you want.
it took me years to find others who felt the same way, have you had luck with that? I ask because you seem like you are not used to it
and before that you make sure the other person is on the same page by making sure they help themselves first in case you get knocked out yourself, so you could say it starts with helping them
or maybe we could just describe it as building social structures that help everyone involved, you know mutual aid like ive been saying. You can do more together. I'm disabled, there is no amount of focusing on myself that will make me stable in this society.
I am done with this conversation. If anyone wants to focus on working with people to survive, I got links in my bio. If you think you can survive alone go somewhere else.
you can't help yourself without helping others, mutual aid is how the poor survive
they have tried to stamp us out for generations. Attacking us consumes resources on their end too, and unlike us they need to maintain an arbitrary level of resources (profit) or they collapse. We just need to build enough mutual aid and protect it well enough to win.
what I'm talking about is mutual aid networks, and so how I interact among my friends and polycule and such. We produce more than we could ever possibly consume, so much has to be thrown away just to force us to keep working.
This is a video on that second bit I like here: https://youtu.be/ESp5IgjR6r0
This is within our grasp today.
I want freedom from every form of wages
fuck wages as a concept entirely. I want to do things because they need to be done, because they help the people around me, and because I enjoy them
I don't want people to tell me I'm better than someone else just because I decided to focus on my special interest or fix something that was annoying me or some shit
I don't want to exist anywhere near any system or ideology where they try and measure and pay "hard work", I want to freely do shit I want to do without people trying to measure and dissect it and apply it to their own idea of "value".
I hate it when people refuse to accept help because they feel like they don’t “deserve” it. That just wastes everyone's time, so stop calling people leeches. The point of mutual aid is building structures that help everyone involved, and if you did that right people “using it” and not “giving back” don’t exist, because using it is “giving back”. Every bit of dependence any of us rip away from the capitalists undermines their power for all of us.