I think it's good to have some 3rd party organization, as in besides the manufacturer and consumer, imposing some restrictions that weed out companies that cut too many corners on engineering a product or are just low skilled at engineering things.
Like cars for example. The average mpg of cars has pretty much doubled in the last 15 or 20 years, which is insane for such a mature industry. They were forced to adapt and get creative by lawmakers making emissions requirements more strict. It shows that automakers could have been doing more in decades past.
Am huge fan of baseball here let me list them for you.
The Pittsburgh peelers
Jersey dangers
The Stamford slammers
The Springfield Stealers
The Boston mavericks
The Provincetown baseball enthusiasts
Now someone explain the right and left columns of buttons
And are usernames unique across instances or can anyone copy anyone else's username by signing up somewhere else with the same name or just making a new instance?
The top level domain of the Metherlands