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Wrestling Content - Real-Debrid

Anyone know how I can get AEW / WWE / NJPW content to show up on Stremio or Syncler or alternative app for Android TV?

These shows and PPVs aren't catalogued properly on the various TV databases so assume I'll have to do something a little more manual but I can't find good magnet links to paste into debrid. Some shows do turn up but for the ones that don't, I could use some pointers.

I tried 1337x but debrid complains that the link is invalid potentially due to no seeders but not sure that's actually the case because the episode is only about a week old.

Figured this was the place to ask.

Lemmy v0.18.0 Released! (and some thoughts before upgrading)
  • I'd vote for waiting for 0.18.1 if it's only a couple more days

  • Squared Circle Repulsa

    Wrestling Journalism

    What's a good source of wrestling news that respects the readers intelligence and time?

    The amount of clickbait and non news is horrific and feels like it has gotten worse recently.

    A good example is the recent Punk ESPN interview. We had a bunch of stories reporting that people are unhappy about it or it was a shoot before it even came out but it was clearly all above board.

    When it did come out, websites like cultaholic split it up into about 5 different stories when all you had to do was read the one interview.

    Wrestling news for the most part feels like YouTube reaction videos. One piece of news that then gets spun off into 100 opinion pieces and hearsay until the original story gets lost. That's if the original piece of news was even legit because there are hardly ever any tangible sources.

    Or do you not read any 'news' and just enjoy the shows? I do wonder if enjoying wrestling and reading about wrestling are two entirely different hobbies sometimes.

    Squared Circle Repulsa

    CM Punk Is Returning To AEW & Has A Lot Of Things To Get Off His Chest | 6/14/23, AEW Dynamite

    Enjoyed this bit of hype and it was pretty well put together

    What do i do if im bored alot, but i also want money?
  • What do you mean out of your range? You can definitely learn to make games, could even document your learning journey (creating content), could stream or record gameplay / speedruns etc.

    If you know there are things you enjoy but are bored and unmotivated to do them, you could try to commit to just playing a game for 20 mins. If you feel like carrying on, do it if not you can at least say you didn't just sit around doing nothing. Cherish the small victories and build up from there. All easier said than done of course but it's good to try, doesn't matter if you succeed or not.

  • SOLVED - Cant find community


    Is there a federation issue with

    Been trying on and off for about a day and still can't get the above community to show up. Tried with and without exclamation.

    Any tips?
