It kind of sucks, but it's ok.

Yeah, we can't escape feelings forever. I guess it's just tough to understand why I have to go through so many difficulties in life.

Thanks, I think taking the time to make myself whole is spot on.

I'm not sure that is right for me, but I appreciate the input.

I'm in my 40s. Bad art sounds like fun!

Together a year and 8 months. It ended last Saturday.

Thanks, I have an appointment next month. It's tough in the interim.

Thanks! I do think this will help me.

I agree about the unhealthy rebound relationships and everything else you said.
Getting Over a Breakup
How have you successfully gotten over a breakup? I did not end the relationship and it was the most significant of my life. I feel confused and trying to understand why. I'm not sleeping well and my anxiety has decided to resurface. I'm ruminating. I don't have many people to go to about this. Please don't say I will find someone else, because I can't go there right now. And I know it won't happen anyway.

Haha! The floor is lava! For real though, a metaphorical pit?